
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 items

Chin rest repair for Zeiss 720-750, 720i-750i visual field

This repair is for broken chin rests on all 7xx Zeiss visual fields. This repair can be done by a doctor without technical experience. When following these instructions you will...

$ 395.00


Universal Patient Response Button - compatible with Zeiss Humphrey visual fields Clicker

This is a universal patient response button, also called "the clicker", which can be used for visual field units.  Please check the plug in the photo compared to your unit. ...

$ 249.95

Universal Patient Response button Zeiss Humphrey FDT 710, Matrix 715, Matrix 800

Universal Patient Response button work with Zeiss Humphrey FDT 710, Matrix 715, Matrix 800. Will not work with HFA series visual fields (720-750).  If you need a cord for HFA...

$ 99.00